Thursday, September 22, 2011

Classical Conversations :: Cycle 3, Week 3

Printing a Large Map
I finally figured out how to print a large US map for us to work on at home. (You can also buy them at Lakeshore Learning for $4. I will probably buy a Lakeshore map anyway, so that we can practice tracing... Or save money and laminate the one I just printed!)

1) Find a large image to print (I used this one
2) Open that image in Microsoft Paint (not sure about the Apple equivalent; sorry!)
3) Page Setup > Scaling > Fit to: 2 by 1
4) Print

Science Experiment Sheets
There's a great prepared set on the CC forum:

We're going to print these and fill them out each week as we discuss the science experiment we did in class.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

CC Week 1

Here's what I may do this week in addition to working on reading, planning our presentation, and practicing memory work. I'll likely just pick 2-4.

Math - Skip counting paper toy

Drawing - Practice drawing and identifying angles, curves, lines, dots and circles

Geography - Do pages for New England states in $1 spot book from Target & color some maps:

History - Columbus mini-book with room to illustrate

Handwriting - [Look for pre-handwriting sheets online with traceable lines]

Also, I created a simple plan sheet for our weekly activities: Weekly Planner