Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getting the Smell Out of a Pickle Jar

I noticed last time I was at my parents' that they have a great collection of very large pickle jars. My dad says he just can't throw them away. Who can blame him?! I mean look at this thing! An 80-ounce glass jar? It's crying to be reused.

Problem is, it smells like pickles. And this will make anything I put in it smell like pickles too. I washed and washed and couldn't get the smell out. Finally after a bit of research, I have a method that works.

Pour in a little baking soda (I used about 1/4 cup) and add two squirts of liquid dish soap.

Boil some water and slowly pour into your jar. (If you pour too quickly, it will foam up and make a big mess.)

Close the lid and let it sit!

The idea is that during the canning process, the hot glass absorbs the vinegar. By pouring boiling water in, you allow the glass to expand. This releases the vinegar, which is neutralized by the soda. Then the soap lifts it away. And that is your pseudo-science lesson if the day!

Seriously though, I'm not sure if that's exactly what happens, but it works. Just make sure to set the jar upside down in the sink for a while so that you get the lid clean too.

Ta-da! Clean, and clean-smelling!

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